The Shadow Healer

By Nicole E. Kelleher

Book Four of the Heart & Hand Series

She longed for a quiet life, but fate stepped in, bringing adventure…and her secret crush with it.

While Lady Murel’s life hasn’t been exactly sheltered, neither has it been exciting. And she is perfectly content with her lot, save one minor nit—a lack of interested suitors. Being a queen’s favorite should have marked her as prime marriage material. To her consternation, nobleman after nobleman stop short of making an offer, ultimately regarding her as more of a sister than a potential bride. Does she mind her lackluster life? Not one whit. The less drama the better.

Lord Tomas isn’t even the spare. The youngest of five sons, his fondest boyhood memories are of the summers spent with Murel and her family. While Tomas is not considered a rake, his reputation at court is…“prodigious.” His life would be perfect, but for one thing—the torch he carries for Murel would put even the sun to shame. A reckless oath given years before has put a stop to any romantic inclinations, and now she will forever regard him as a brother.

When Murel and Tomas are suddenly tasked with unraveling the mystery of a missing friend, the excitement they’ve avoided suddenly attacks them at every turn. From evading assassins to hiding from a malevolent sandstorm, Murel and Tomas are tested in ways they could have never imagined, feeding their long-simmering love until they are bound by an inferno of passion.


Wild Lavender

Heart & Hand Book One

Fate Promised Love, but Duty Had Other Plans

Best Fantasy Romance, The Golden Quill Contest

Both healer and warrior, nothing will stop Lady Aubrianne from protecting the people she loves. Together with her closest friends, she labors to find the reason behind her nefarious husband’s frequent absences. They fear the worst and race against time to avoid being implicated in his treacherous acts.

Larkin, a Royal Guard of Aurelia and second-born noble son, tires of his rakish ways. He craves adventure and jumps at the chance to investigate the increasingly wealthy Lord Roger and his dealings with a rival realm. In Aurelia, there’s only one punishment for treason: death to all involved—including the woman who has haunted his dreams for years.

With ambition, murder, and sizzling romance, Wild Lavender delivers! The first book of the Heart & Hand Series introduces a sweeping fantasy epic, one that spans realms, a mystical prophecy, and royal intrigue.


The Queen’s Dance

Heart & Hand Book Two

To Save a Kingdom, She Must Sacrifice her Heart. 

Lady Claire is the brightest addition to the queen’s retinue, but she hides a secret that could change the fabric of Aurelia: the ability to foretell another’s fate. Her curse has only brought her sorrow, and because of it, she vows never to give away her heart.

Trian, a shy Aurelian Guard, has fallen hard for Claire, and when King Godwin assigns him to escort her across the realm, he hopes to change her mind.

He may be the one person who is immune to her powers, and friendship takes hold. Trian teaches her his unique way of seeing the world, and Claire tutors him in the healing arts. She realizes too late that she has done that which she promised she would never do: she falls in love.

Her greatest fear is realized when Trian is knocked down by deadly quarrels. The assassins transport Claire far from Aurelia to the foreign lands of Nifolhad, a kingdom where spies listen to every whisper. To survive, she must ally herself with the powerful women from the Fenrhi Temple, some who possess the same unwanted power as she. Their customs and secrets seduce her, while plots and machinations drag her into the very heart of the battle for Nifolhad’s throne.

But help comes from unexpected places, and if Claire ever hopes to return to Aurelia and to those she loves, she must finally embrace her curse as a gift.

The Naked Moon

Heart & Hand Book Three

She Trusts Him with her Life. Can She Trust Him with her Heart?

 National Excellence in Romance Fiction Award

Princess Anwyl from Nifolhad has finally met the man she is fated to love, only, he doesn’t return the sentiment. Politics and civil war throw her under his protection, and they flee from her home and journey to his realm. Tasked by her queen and king, she becomes an ambassadress in the Aurelian Royal Court. But her true mission—weeding out the rogue Nifolhadian infiltrators bent on destroying all she holds dear—is a secret she must not divulge.

Rakish Lord Warin wants nothing more to do with the headstrong princess, and he fights against his growing attraction toward her. She’ll not get him what he truly desires—a wife, a home, and children to love. Besides, he doesn’t trust her…not since he spent time in Nifolhad, and she somehow tampered with his memories. Worse, he believes her to be complicit in the disappearance of his cousin.

They come to realize that there are greater forces of nature at work, forces that threaten all of the known realms. Only by coming together can Princess Anwyl and Lord Warin protect their families, their realms, and each other. But first, they must achieve the impossible—they must trust in one another.




Book Reviews

On Wild Lavender


5 Stars! “The heroine is no whimpering lady in distress…a strong woman who fights back!”—Amazon Reviewer


“I’m not one for Historical Romances, but I have to say after reading this book, I am a fan. I was very impressed with the story line and the characters. The author made it come alive and made you feel while you were reading. I cannot wait for the next book in this series. If you are like me and don’t really read this genre I urge you to read this book. You will fall in love with it.” —Itsy Bitsy Book Bits


“WILD LAVENDER is a sweeping historical romance combining all the things I love, an unbelievable heroine, fabulous secondary characters, amazing destrier horses, and an amazing love story. Add into that mix a reprehensible villain who tops out at one of the nastiest I have ever come across.

I loved every minute and found this to be so very hard to put down, even resorting to sneaking peeks of the story while attending a boring seminar! That’s never happened to me before. I will be so waiting for the next book in this series. The writing, the plotting – AMAZING! Very Highly Recommended!!!” —Goodreads Reviewer

On The Queen’s Dance


“…a fantastic epic romance that kept me riveted from beginning to end… the romance in this story and how it culminates in the very (sizzling) end made me clap for joy.”Pat Esden, Author of the Scandal Mountain Antiques Mysteries, Dark Heart Novels, and Northern Circle Coven Series


The author has created a vibrant heroine that is atypical as she is lovable. It is a rare book that you slow down to savor because you want to soak the pleasures of it with you. This book is phenomenal saga of an indomitable and charming heroine.

Fantasy, adventure and epic world building with unforgettable characters -you can’t go wrong!—Steph, Bookaholics Romance Book Club


“Wow! Nicole Elizabeth Kelleher’s book, The Queen’s Dance, is built on a wide cast of likable characters and intense, intricate worldbuilding. Read with care; you will need (and want!) to pay attention to get the most from this distinguished and original story. […] this is worth checking out.”—Ingrid Hahn, Author

On The Naked Moon


“Kelleher is a profoundly original and gifted writer whose gorgeous, detailed descriptions and rich, authentic dialogue pulled me right into the minds of beautifully drawn characters I found myself rooting for, all while perched on the edge of my seat. Meanwhile, sparkling bits of humor in just the right places had me laughing out loud! If you’re looking to get lost in a brilliantly written world of love, war, and magic, look no further than the Heart & Hand series, but be warned: these characters will have you falling in love, and the stories will leave you forever changed.” —Anise Eden, Author of the The Healing Edge Series and Things Unseen Series


“Kelleher’s mastery of character and worldbuilding instantly becomes obvious. Her Heart & Hand novels rank with the best of epic fantasy.

The Naked Moon is a tumultuous and slow burn romance set against a sweeping medieval tapestry of political intrigue, wars, families, and desire. Suspenseful and complex, it’s the perfect novel to linger over on a cold winter night, especially in front of a crackling fire.”Pat Esden, Author of the Scandal Mountain Antiques Mysteries, Dark Heart Novels, and Northern Circle Coven Series

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